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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Robert E Fuller

Wildlife artist & filmmaker

Placing nature in the frame, through art, film & conservation

Art prints

Wild lives framed through exquisitely detailed, life-like animal portraits

Snuggled up

Inspired by a late brood of barn owl chicks found in a straw stack

Homeware & gifts to place nature at the heart of your home


Home & Gift

Fill your home with nature for less

the robert fuller gallery

"Absolutely stunning place to visit. Stunning photographs, films and paintings and set in beautiful countryside. This place is a wildlife lover's utopia!!"

Andy Clack, 2024


Penguins in art & film

30 November - 31 January
📍 The Robert Fuller Gallery, Thixendale, North Yorkshire

Inspired by consecutive visits to South Georgia and the Antarctic, Robert is lauching a penguin themed exhibition which includes painting, photography and film

Wildlife films

Sumptuous wildlife documentaries, placing wildlife in the frame

Watch now


Storytelling at its best, stunning wildlife films that uncover the secret, extraordinary lives of individual animals

Wildlife webcams

🔴 Live nest cameras

Streaming directly from owl, kestrel, fox and swan nests located in the British countryside.

nature documentaries

All films
  • Latest films

    The very latest Robert E Fuller wildlife films as they are published. From inspirational nature documentaries to the films that follow his artistic process


    From kingfishers, to owls, weasels to foxes, discover the secret, challenging lives of different species through Robert E Fuller's captivating wildlife documentaries

  • Wild Lives

    Inspired by animals on the livestreams, follow the stories of individual wild lives, like Luna the foster tawny owl mum and quarrelsome kestrels Apollo & Athena

  • Travel

    Filmed on location in far-flung destinations these travel documentaries uncover the incredible lives of the world's wildlife, from sloths in Panama to polar bears in the Arctic.

Protecting nature, a framework for tomorrow


As an animal lover, Robert E Fuller is committed to the preservation of wildlife and habitats, to protect nature for future generations

Help Robert help wildlife

Help fund Robert E Fuller's conservation and animal rehabilitation work and keep the free live cameras rolling too

Conservation stories

All conservation
  • Kingfisher habitat

    When a waterside bank, a family of kingfishers lost their home. Robert E Fuller built a new, underground nest & then filmed their secret, wild lives.

  • Stoat rehab

    When Whisper the stoat arrived in Robert E Fuller's care, she was so small her eyes were yet to open. Robert had to wake every three hours to feed her.

  • Owl fostering

    Tawny owl Luna, who had only recently been preparing for her own eggs to hatch, was full of maternal hormones. She was potentially the ideal foster mother for two abandoned owlets.

Journey into the wild


Follow in Robert's footsteps and experience nature as he sees it