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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | New exhibition Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

New Exhibition: Sneak Peak at my Brand New Originals

New Exhibition: Sneak Peak at my Brand New Originals

New Exhibition: Sneak Peak at my Brand New Originals

I thought you'd like to see all my very latest originals for my exhibition Bringing up Baby which opens on Saturday at my gallery at Thixendale. Read more about the exhibition here.

Lapwing & Chicks, painting by Robert E Fuller Lapwing and Chicks
Original Acrylic Painting £3,750

I was able to watch this lapwing brood its chicks thanks to a stewardship scheme on a farm in East Yorkshire. Lapwings lay on arable fields and their nests can often be destroyed without protection such as those afforded by these stewardship schemes. Read more here about how I put up a hide next to this nest and was privy to the moment the eggs chipped and the still-wet chicks emerged.



Pine Marten of Ardnamurchan by Robert E Fuller

Original Acrylic Painting £4350  Framed size: 22.5" x 17.75" Image size: 8.25" x 12.5"

About this painting.  I booked a cottage on the Ardnamurchan peninsula off the West Coast of Scotland especially to photograph pine martens. This endangered mammal visited the cottage every day to feed on tit bits I put out for it in the garden. It was mesmerising to watch this large creature scrambling over rocks and up trees to feast on raisins, peanut butter and jam. It was particularly partial to McVities Jaffa Cakes!

Click here to read the story behind this painting


Lakeland Squirrel by Robert E Fuller

Original Acrylic Painting £3300 Framed size: 23.5" x 20" Image size: 10.25" x 13"

About this painting: I love to watch red squirrels, they are such energetic creatures that bound along effortlessly. This painting was produced from a customer's photograph. He has red squirrels that visit him in his garden in the Lake District.



Great Crested Grebe: All Aboard by Robert E Fuller

Original Acrylic Painting £4200 Framed size: 24.75" x 25.5" Image size: 12" x 12"

About this painting: Nature is full of curious things. Did you know, for instance, that great crested grebes carry their chicks on their backs. Young grebes are capable of swimming and diving almost at hatching, but the adults keep them close by carrying them on their backs for some time.

Click here to buy




Brooding Kingfisher by Robert E Fuller

Original Acrylic Painting £5950 Framed size: 28.5" x 35" Image size: 16" x 22"

About this painting. This year I have undertaken my most ambitious wildlife project yet: to watch kingfishers bringing up their young via cameras hidden inside their underground nest. My footage has been so ground breaking that BBC Springwatch plan to use it in this year's series, aired in June. Watching these colourful birds brooding their eggs has been absolutely amazing.

Click here to buy | Click here to read the story behind the painting


Aerial Combat - Short Eared Owl and Kestrel by Robert E Fuller

Original Acrylic Painting £5600 Framed size: 27.5" x 32.5" Image size: 14" x 19.75"

About this painting: About this painting: I spent five days in deep snow and sub zero temperatures captivated by the battle between a short eared owl and a kestrel. Both species were trying to survive with more than a foot of snow covering their prey and one had realised that it was better to be patient and wait for the other to do all the hard work. In fact kestrels are renowned for pinching prey. Being the smaller and more agile bird, the kestrel quickly snatched the vole. But the prey was still in the tight grip of the owl's talons. The two birds of prey began twisting and spiralling down to the ground, which I have captured in this painting.

Click here to read the story behind the painting


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