Art for mothers day
This Mother's Day I've been focusing on tender moments between adults and their young.
Roe deer drawing
I used acrylic and pencil to depict this roe deer and fawn because I wanted to focus the viewer on the interaction between them. The immediacy of a sketch can have the effect of bringing the viewer into the moment.

Badger and cubs styled in pencil and acrylic
The same applies to this badger with her cubs. She is a badger I watched for many years and when her cubs first emerged from their underground chambers it was a delight to see them jumping and running around in circles. I wanted to get across this sense of fun between mother and cubs.

Cheetah and cubs painted using oils
This regal-looking cheetah called for a more formal approach, so I chose oils and concentrated on her watchful, protective poise. It was a pleasure painting the soft lustre of their coats.

Zebra & foal artwork
This zebra foal was trying to shelter its head from the punishing midday sun in Etosha Park in Namibia. As it lowered its head the adult zebra mirrored the pose. I used broad brush strokes to create an impression of the rest of the herd fading into the background so that the viewer focussed in on the moment.

Wren mother inspired art
No collection of art prints and paintings about motherhood in the wild could go without a mention of birds and the incredible efforts they go to for their young; from building nests, to incubating the eggs and then feeding the tiny brood morsel by tiny morsel. This busy wren spent all her day catching insects for her noisy brood and I felt I had to record all her hard work!

Mallard mother
Did you know that mallard ducks will feign injury to lead predators away from their nests, limping away flapping their wings despite the considerable risk to themselves?
Cuckoo chick painting
I painted this reed warbler feeding a cuckoo chick after watching it exhaust itself trying to keep up with the seemingly unending demands of this oversized chick! The analogy at Mother's Day is funny, especially when I think of parents taking care of their overgrown teenagers!

My gallery in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, is open on Mothering Sunday if you fancy a trip out.