When lonely male barn owl Ghost met Willow, a female, it seemed like the perfect match! But when their would-be home was taken by kestrels, the pair had to search elsewhere for the best spot to nest.
Owl love at first sight
Ghost, a young male barn owl took up residence in my Sycamore Stump nest box in the depth of winter. He seemed comfortable here, but to be complete, he needed a mate. So, when Willow, a young female appeared, it seemed to be the perfect match. But just as their romance began to blossom, the pair got some unwanted attention...
Fight for nest
The kestrel pair that also live in my garden, known as Mr and Mrs Kes, had plans for this spot for themselves. After a couple of weeks of intimidation, Ghost conceded the nest… it just wasn't worth the fight. But to keep Willow, Ghost needed to find a new place… and at first the nearby barn owl tower seemed a good option.
A new start
My cameras captured Ghost heading into this nest box to check it out. After a look around, he decided this may be just the spot… but he still had to convince Willow! I watched him call her inside and the pair began to court.
Willow rejects the nest box
However, whilst Willow seemed to like Ghost, she just wasn't convinced by his choice of nest site. She seemed to have her heart set on the Sycamore Stump nest, and headed back over for another look. But by this time, the nest was occupied!
Barn owl vs kestrel
Inside, Willow stumbled upon the female kestrel who fiercely defended a clutch of eggs and two tiny chicks! After the scuffle, Willow retreated… but she’s wasn't gong to give up without a fight. Twenty minutes later, she returned to the kestrel nest. But the kestrel had a young family to protect and would fight to the death if needed. Defeated, Willow retreated to the feeding post to cool off… only to be hit by a passing barn owl! Watch the story from the kestrel's perspective below?
Home improvements
The barn owl tower seemed to be the best spot for these owls, but Willow still wasn't convinced. So, I got out my tools and began to make some improvements to the nest. Willow and Ghost seemed pleased and took up residence inside.
Watch the story below
The barn owl tower seemed to be the best spot for these owls, but Willow still wasn't convinced. So, I got out my tools and began to make some improvements to the nest. Willow and Ghost seemed pleased and took up residence inside. Watch the story below:
Finally, the home they always wanted
But despite plenty of love-making, Willow did not lay eggs in the barn owl tower. In fact, it wasn't until autumn, that she finally laid her first clutch - back in the Sycamore Stump! It's almost as though this barn owl pair just bided their time in the barn owl tower, waiting for the kestrel chicks to grow up and leave home, so that they could have the nest they always wanted. Willow is now caring for three chicks and I've been following their development day by day. Click on the link below to follow these barn owl chicks as they hit each developmental milestone.
Three of these chicks are still inside the Sycamore Stump nest. Click here to watch them now