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Hare paintings through the seasons

Hare paintings through the seasons

Hare paintings through the seasons

This collection of hare paintings follows the seasons from spring, through to summer and winter. 

Hares in spring and summer

These paintings depict hares in the heat of summer and early springtime, when it's common to see a solitary hare bounding over the fields. 

framed painting of hare with vase of leaves and coffee cup on book shelf

Hare an d dandelion clocks | Limited edition print | Available here

Nothing spells summer more than a dandelion clock and so to lead this collection is an art print featuring a hare sitting amongst dandelions. 

hare artworks

Hare in Mayweed | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

I often include wildflowers in my backdrops. Above is yellow mayweed to offset the golden hues in the hare's fur. Meanwhile below I've chosen harebells, for obvious reasons. 

I have my own wildflower meadow so that I have plenty of flowers at hand to study. 

hare paintings

Boxing Hares | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

The painting above features two hares boxing. Female hares, or does, box their suitors to test their strength - always choosing the strongest buck.

Paintings of hares in winter 

The following hare paintings feature hares in snow, when you often see hares in groups

Hare Today Gone Tomorrow | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

In this painting, I wanted to capture the drama of a group of hares racing one another through a winter landscape.

hare art print

It looks beautiful framed in my Medium Light Burr frame and set against a blue themed interior as in the image above.

Hare Stretch | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

This painting draws inspiration from a time I watched a group of hares in a blizzard. All of a sudden the sun came out and they all stood up to shake off the snow and stretch. I was struck by the way the sun lit up their fur.

hare artwork

Hare at Peace | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

Hares are fast, but when they sit still they seem so peaceful. I noticed this hare resting beside a group of hares and thought its silent pose made a great composition.


Winter Hare | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

Again it was the way this hare's fur shone in the sun that inspired me to paint. I watched it sitting in the snow for some time - its long ears listening for any unusual sounds.

Hares in a shaft of light | Limited edition print | Available here

This painting also shows hares against a snow-white background. Again I love the colour contrast. 

Paintings of young hares, or leverets

These paintings were inspired by watching young hares, known as leverets, in my garden.

hare art

Portrait of a Leveret | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

The portrait of a leveret above is painted in acrylics and is a detailed study of a young leveret with soft fur.

hare art

Leverets - Hidden Gems | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

Hares hide their young in long grasses or under shrubs during the day and only return once a day, usually at dusk, to feed them. This pair was carefully hidden in the waving grasses.

hare art

Leverets at Givendale | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

These baby hares also inspired this acrylic painting. The leverets were carefully hidden and it felt like I had come across a very special secret when I spotted them.

Hare and Leverets | Limited Edition Print | Shop Now

It is very rare to see a hare with her young leverets, so when I was lucky enough to spot this secret moment I was  inspired to paint the scene.

My Limited Edition Prints

I print to the highest quality using heavyweight watercolour paper and light fast inks. Each print is available framed or unframed and is individually numbered. I also sign each by hand. A limited edition print means that there will only ever be a certain number of prints produced and once they are sold, there won't be any more available.

You may also be interested in my collection of hare art gifts. Click here to shop the hare luxury art gift range.

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