Despite their bright shock of electric-blue and orange feathers, it can be difficult to spot a kingfisher in the wild. I built an entire kingfisher bank so that I could watch them up close. Click here to discover the kingfisher secrets I uncovered. If you simply want to be sure of seeing one next time you are out walking, here are a few tips.
Look For Them Along Rivers And Streams
Kingfishers live along clean waterways, so start your search here.
Head Out Early
Kingfishers are particularly active in early morning so get up and out with the lark. You are also most likely to see them in spring and summer when they are most active.
Listen Out For Their Calls
You’ll often hear the piercing ‘peep-peep’ of a kingfisher before you see it. If you hear this sound stop and look. Kingfishers have an extraordinarily straight flight, so look along the waterway for the dart of blue.
Look Up
Kingfisher habitually return to favourite perches to fish from, so scan any protruding twigs and branches that hang over the water.
Be patient
Anglers often see kingfishers because they sit quietly by riverbanks for long periods.
Don't get too close
Remember, kingfishers are a Schedule 1 Bird, and it is illegal to disturb them at their nest site without a special licence from Natural England.
Read More:
My extensive studies have led to a wide collection of kingfisher paintings.
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