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Film | Kestrel family success after tragic loss | Jeff & Jenny | Full story

Soon after young kestrel pair Jeff and Jenny meet, they welcome three healthy chicks into the family. But tragedy strikes when Jeff disappears. Young kestrel pair Jeff & Jenny are starting their first year together. I've followed Jeff's story since he hatched, watching him grow from an inexperienced fledgling to confident bachelor.

Jeff's story

At first, Jeff seemed a survivor. The youngest of kestrel pair Mr & Mrs Kes, he lost his mother whilst very young. But with a little help from me and the champion efforts of single kestrel dad Mr Kes, he survived.But this juvenile kestrel was always a little weak. Last to fledge, he never left home - causing confusion when Mr Kes began courting again! But then Mr Kes disappeared and Jeff adopted the territory.

Jeff meets Jenny

Jeff's courting technique was awkward, but he got the hang of it and he and Jenny began nesting.By May 2023 Jenny had laid four brown, speckled eggs. The pair worked well together, sharing incubation duties, guarding the nest, and hunting.

Kestrel chicks

In June three healthy chicks hatch. The fourth egg fails. Jenny is now full time mum. Whilst Jeff hunts to provide for his new family, Jenny is in charge of sharing it out equally. But Jeff, who was himself raised by a male kestrel, isn't adverse to serving up meals when Jenny is not around. Then one day a red kite swoops at Jeff. After a brief battle, Jeff seems to outwit it. But something is wrong and he doesn't return to the nest that day. As the chicks grow Jeff continues to do a sterling job hunting - and sometimes even serving up meals - for his young family.

Jeff doesn't return

Then one day Jeff doesn't turn up. Jenny is clearly worried, and I am too. I leave a bit of food for Jenny and the chicks on a nearby branch and check the cameras. All I can see is the altercation with the red kite and I worry he's been predated or killed. When Jeff doesn't turn up the following day it's clear something is wrong. The chicks are so young and Jenny can't venture far to hunt for them herself. I start putting food out for the young kestrel family more frequently.

Chicks fledge

In July the chicks fledge. It's amazing to watch as one by one they venture out of the nest and make their first, tentative flights. Jenny has shown incredible fortitude hunting, protecting and feeding them. What an amazing single mum and what a tribute to their amazing kestrel dad Jeff.

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