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Film | Rescued kestrel chicks reunited with wild family

When the mother of these six kestrel chicks disappeared, I took three in for extra care. This film takes up the story as they return to the nest.

Kestrel chicks need help

When Mrs Kes disappeared, her six kestrel chicks could not survive without her. The youngest three were particularly weak so I took them in to my care. But I decided to leave the older three in the nest, where their kestrel dad Mr Kes was learning to take on the role of full time carer. But despite working extra hard to hunt, brood and feed his chicks, Mr Kes wasn't getting enough food to his chicks. So I helped out and took extra food to the kestrel chicks in the nest and soon they began to grow, learning to walk on shaky legs and flapping their wings for the first time.

Rescued chicks

Meanwhile, I fed the younger three chicks six times a day and kept them warm indoors until they were ready to go back into the kestrel nest with their siblings. I gave the chicks one last feed before returning them one by one to the kestrel nest. The chicks squawked nosily as I placed them back in, a good sign that they are strong again! But their siblings seemed scared and it is a while before all six kestrel chicks settle down. Then its time for the most important reunion. Kestrel dad Mr Kes arrives with a mouse for his hungry brood. He's so focussed on the job of sharing out the meal he doesn't seem to noticed the second half of his brood is back! 

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