Tawny owls make excellent parents
This owl species is so caring in fact, I've found they will even take on foster-chicks. I have put this nurturing instinct to the test by giving a pair six extra owlets to raise.
Tawny owls foster six chicks
The owl parents barely batted an eye - despite the fact that they now had 10 chicks in total to care for! I helped them along by putting extra food on my garden bird table every night.
The adult pair took on the role of feeding all these extra mouths and raised them until late August. I took advantage of their presence and got some great photographs of these owlets as they grew up right outside my living room window. These pictures went on to inform my paintings.
The video below shows me adding this chick to the nest whilst the tawny adult was away. I'm wearing a helmet because tawny owls can be very dangerous and are very protective if they discover you near their nest.
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[…] read about how I did this and to watch a short video of how the wild owls took to the chicks click here. Sometimes my efforts to save the creatures I love get me into difficulties – like […]