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Goodbye Galapagos

Goodbye Galapagos

Goodbye Galapagos

They say all good things come to an end and today my three-week long exhibition on the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands draws to a close.

But before I pack up my paintings and put away my photographs, I thought I would post one last blog on the wildlife of this incredible Pacific archipelago.

I've picked out some of most iconic photographs from the trip and also some pictures of wildlife that is just as abundant and breathtaking, but that I haven't had time to mention.

Galapagos penguins are endemic to the archipelago and I was captivated by the way they were so agile in the water.

This vermilion fly catcher is, however, very rare. I spotted it on Rabida Island and it is believed to be the only one!

But this yellow warbler was relatively common.

These swallow tailed gulls are nocturnal. You see them during the day but they hunt at night.

I captured this flightless cormorant as it sunbathed.

And no report on these incredible islands is complete without a mention of its eerie beauty.

The coastline is spectacular.

And the volcanoes and red volcanic sand give it an other-worldly look.

Everywhere you go you literally trip over absurd creatures like lava lizards or marine iguanas.

 So, goodbye Galapagos.

UNLESS!!! Like me you can't quite bear to say farewell and then of course please contact me at the gallery on 01759 368355 to book a place on my next trip there in 2016.

The video below gives you an idea what to expect.

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