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Stoat Assault Course

Stoat Assault Course

Stoat Assault Course

Exactly three days before the snow fall last week, I spotted this white stoat hunting in the valley opposite.

I watched it hunting and then put out food and set up a camera trap. The shot I got is a bit fuzzy.

But it has been interesting to see how well camouflaged it's ermine coat was when the snow then fell.

Meanwhile the stoats in my garden are continuing to enthral me. Stoats are known for their agility and I decided to test this out to the full by building this 'stoat assault course' in front of my living room window.

I began by putting titbits out along the course but I discovered that the kestrels and the tawny owls were pinching the food, so now I've made some boxes with lids on, similar to squirrel feeders, which only the stoats can open.

I got very excited earlier this week when this female climbed onto the trail and did the first leg! She is new this year and this is first time I've managed to capture her fleeting visits.

Hopefully if she gets kits this year she will become even more adventurous because she will have more mouths to feed.

And things will get even more interesting if the kits grow up accustomed to running the course with their mother.

I may then start to make it more challenging!

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1 comentario

Wow love the obstacle course! Would be amazing to see stoats using it!
I haven’t seen an all-white stoat, only partially white.
Miss Tulip x
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