My Christmas art exhibition runs from November 12th - December 4th at my gallery in Thixendale.
Join me for a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie whilst you browse my latest art work at this seasonal show.
Don't miss a special exhibit of my photographs and video clips of some of my funniest animal observations.
I spend most of my working life watching wild creatures in their natural habitat before picking up a paintbrush. I'll be sharing some of the most comical moments I've captured during this intensive process.
Among them a penguin in Antarctica so overcome by beach rage it slaps a fur seal across the face.
It takes a lot of patience to get the
shots I need for my paintings, but when the birds and animals I’m watching
occasionally do something funny it always helps lighten my day.
They say you should never work with animals, but I wouldn't swap my job for the world.
The exhibition includes walks into the countryside, a talk and slideshow on my amusing anecdotes and falconry events for children
The gallery is open weekdays, 9.30am-4.30pm, and weekends, 10.30am-4.30pm throughout the exhibition.
Below is a list of accompanying events. Please click on the relevant dates to book.
Red Kite Roost with Michael Flowers,
Sun 13th Nov & Sat 26th Nov, 2pm-4pm, Meet at Warter car park Tickets
Adults £9.50 A guided walk to see these protected birds swoop and dive over the
Yorkshire Wolds.
Wildlife Walk with Jack Ashton Booth Sun 27th Nov,10am-12 noon
Tickets Adults £9.50 A guided walk through Thixendale to spot winter wildife.
Handle birds
of prey and learn how to fly one for yourself.
Tiny Tots Falconry Sun 4th Dec, 10-11am Tickets Adults £6 Kids £4
Falconry for the very young, these classes are aimed at children aged between
two and five years.
Kids Red
Kite Roost with Jack Ashton Booth. Sun 27th Nov, 2pm-4pmTickets
Adults £6 Kids £4 Children can build their own red kite nest and then go and
see these magnificent birds on the Wolds.
Animals do the funniest things, Sat19th Nov 7.30pm Tickets Adults £9.50 Robert spends his days watching wild
creatures in their natural Join artist Robert E Fuller for an evening of animal
anecdotes and see his rare footage of some truly priceless animal behaviour.