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Choosing a nest box for your garden birds

Choosing a nest box for your garden birds

Choosing a nest box for your garden birds

Time to put up a nest box

It's National Nest Box Week, and, according to the British Trust for Ornithology, the ideal time for anyone with a garden or outdoor space to put up a nest box. There is a shortage of natural nesting sites and if you do it now you'll be in time to provide a home for a new bird family.

A safe place to breed

My own garden is full of nest boxes and I also regularly advise local landowners on where to place boxes to attract owls and kestrels. The advantage of persuading birds to nest in your garden is that you get to watch their young as they grow -and eventually fledge - right on your doorstep. For me, having nest boxes right outside the house also means I can be there to photograph and paint the birds I see.

painting of goldfinch pair, with female and chicks in nest
 Goldfinch at Nest, limited edition art print

Artful bird boxes

I usually create the nest boxes in my garden from reclaimed tree stumps so that they can become beautiful backdrops for my photographs and paintings.  The tree in the barn owl painting below is actually an old elm stump. It was heavy and had to be hoisted into a sycamore tree.

nest box -owl painted in elm stump

You can buy nest boxes off the shelf and it is an easy option. But birds will choose any appropriate space to nest in. The wrens in my gardens once nested in a bunch of shallots. And on another occasion they brought up a brood in an old walking boot. Meanwhile I've had little owls nesting in an old wine box. And the robins once nested in my Landcruiser - this turned out to be a very expensive nest box as I dared not drive it until the brood had hatched. 

Locating your box

It's important to site your box correctly. It needs to be in the best place for birds and not for your own viewing opportunities! Ideally, a bird box should be at least 1.5 metres high and no higher than 5.5 metres. It should be located near a hedge, bush or branches to help fledglings on their first flights. And make sure you avoid prevailing winds and direct sunlight. It can get very hot in the summer and cold if the chicks are directly in a breeze! 

Material choices

There are plenty of nest boxes available on the market made from wood or terracotta, but I really recommend woodcrete (a sawdust and concrete composite). These boxes are indestructible and provide great insulation too!

Box shapes

Avoid diamond-shaped nest boxes. I really don't recommend this shape because it doesn't give birds enough space to fill with nesting material.

A terrace of nest boxes attracts sparrows, particularly house sparrows since they are very sociable and like to nest together. A terrace, like the one pictured below, will fit several pairs of these birds. They should be at least 30cm high, 38cm wide with a 32mm hole.


Choose the right box

If you are not particular about which species you want then the box that appeals to the widest range of common garden birds is around 28cm high, 15cm wide and 13cm deep with a 32mm hole. But if you want to be really specific here is a list of what size entrance hole suits which species.

25mm              Blue/coal/marsh/willow tit
32mm              House/tree sparrow, great tit, nuthatch, pied flycatcher
45mm              Starling
50mm              Great spotted woodpecker
70mm              Little owl
00mm            Stock dove, tawny owl

For robins, wrens, blackbirds, spotted flycatchers, pied/grey wagtails or song thrushes choose open-fronted boxes and make sure the front or the top of the box opens for cleaning. Whilst a triangular slip or hole will attract treecreepers. Tree creepers naturally nest in narrow gaps and clefts behind loose bark. A triangular slit or hole replicates this. 

House martens & swallows

House martins build mud nests on the eaves of buildings, often in colonies averaging five nests. They need enclosed nests with a small opening. Meanwhile swallows prefer open nests sited inside a building with easy access, such as a garage, porch or stable. 

nest box swallows

Swallow fledglings, limited edition art print


Owl nest boxes

Little owls like to nest in dark cavities, so screen off the back part of the box to create a baffle and use a 7cm entrance hole. Site it high enough to deter predators and in a quiet area.

Meanwhile tawny owl nest boxes must have tall sides A tawny owl’s box needs to be tall so that chicks can’t fall out before they learn to fly.

nest box for a tawny owl

Good luck. And remember. If your nest box is unoccupied for two full breeding seasons - try relocating it.

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[…] How to choose the right nest box for the birds in your garden and where to put it […]

How to get a tawny owl to nest in your garden – The Robert E Fuller Blog,

Admin: Robert has suggested that you most likely will need to mount it on a bracket if its really heavy. You are welcome to email him on with a picture of your box so he can see what you mean. The link should work now, apologies for that.


“Click here to read the full story….” re elm stump box. Hi Robert, I can’t get this “click” to work. Very interested in how you did this as have been given a nest box made from tree stump with natural hole ( very heavy) but it isn’t quite right. Rain would fall straight in through hole. Wondering how we could modify it and also how to mount it ( also in a sycamore tree). Some sort of bracket perhaps? Needed for my local nature reserve. Please could you email me about this or mend the link. First time I’ve seen your wonderful site, look forward to exploring it later. Thanks.


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