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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Beautiful Barn Owls Headline Summer Exhibition.

Beautiful Barn Owls Headline Summer Exhibition.

Beautiful Barn Owls Headline Summer Exhibition.

These paintings and limited edition prints of barn owls are among a 'barn owl extravaganza' to go show at my summer exhibition, which runs from June 1-16th.

There will also be falconry, a walk to find roosting owls in Thixendale and I'm giving a talk and slideshow on how to get up close to owls at 7.30pm on June 8th.

 I've decided to go 'owl-crazy' in celebration of the fact that the barn owl population on the Yorkshire Wolds has bounced back after it was nearly wiped out during the bitter winter of 2010.

Join me for a glass of wine whilst you browse through the paintings of owls that I have watched and photographed over many years. Some of them are portraits of old friends that I nursed through that dreadful winter.

Barn owls are one of my favourite birds of prey and I have worked for years to support the population on the Wolds, feeding them during extreme weather conditions and building nest boxes for them.

I also am a founding member of the Wolds Barn Owl Group, which works to conserve these beautiful birds of prey.

Barn owls are not particularly hardy birds and the recent run of freezing, snowy winters has hit northerly populations hard. In 2010, we lost 80pc of the owls living here to the cold. I personally cared for the remaining four owls and at last their offspring has repopulated the region.

Read more about their story in the York Press here.

To find out what else is going on during the exhibition and to book on one of our many wildlife walks, talks or kids events, click here to link to my website

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