I've just finished a new series of paintings for my summer wildlife art exhibition which opens at my gallery in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, tomorrow.
This buzzard portrait is among the new paintings on show. The exhibition is designed to inspire wonder at Britain’s natural heritage - like hares that can run at 45mph!
It follows the year I spent filming owls, badgers, kestrels, stoats and weasels.
See these detailed pictures alongside my photographs and rare video footage of secret animal encounters.
Among the recordings are the wild stoat I filmed running through a maze - part of the assault course I made for it in my garden.
The story of how It persuaded a tawny owl pair to foster three tawny owlets will also be screened - and you can see the paintings they inspired too, like the one above.
My entire collection of oil and acrylic paintings, pencil drawings, limited edition prints and bronze sculpture will also be on show.
And there are a number of exciting wildlife events for you to join in too:
Choose from:
Wildlife at Millington, 10am-12.00, Saturday 13 June, Tickets £9.50 A walk through ancient ash woodland, ponds and open pastures to see yellow hammers, redstarts, kingfishers and deer. Suitable for children aged 13plus and people of moderate fitness.
Gallery Wildlife Walk 1 pm, Saturday 13 June & 10am Saturday 27
June, Tickets £9.50 A nature walk through the breath-taking valley of
Thixendale looking for the owls and other birds that feature in my paintings.
Falconry, 10am, Sunday 14th June Tickets £4 children
£6 Learn to fly owls, hawks and falcons at this fascinating falconry
event run by expert falconer Danny Carpenter. This event is suitable for
all ages.
Also on: June 21st and June 28th
Slideshow by Robert E Fuller: 7.30pm, Saturday 20th June, Tickets £9.50 Amazing wildlife tales of rare and unusual sightings, including I trained a wild stoat to run an assault course in my garden and how I witnessed a fierce nest box battle between warring birds of prey.Groups are limited to 70 so book early to avoid disappointment.
Wharram Quarry M Flowers 1pm Sat June 27th Tickets £9.50 Group size 15
A walk through a disused quarry with professional naturalist Michael Flowers. Find rare orchids, butterflies and birdlife such as redstart, spotted flycatcher, willow warbler, blackcap, whitethroat, chiffchaff, marsh tit, and treecreepers.
Build a Hotel for Bugs, 10am-11am Saturday 13 June, Tickets £4 children £6 adults
Children can build their own hotel for bugs out of bamboo and then take them home to encourage wildlife into their gardens. This event takes place in the stunning setting of wildlife artist Robert E Fuller’s private woodland where bugs draw flocks of garden birds daily.
Super Strong Animals, 10am, Sunday 14th June& June 28th Tickets £4 children £6 adults.The chance to see and hold super powered creatures, including a polecat, a ferret, a mighty mouse and a super strong garter snake at this mini zoo at The Robert Fuller Gallery.