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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Exhibition Walks and Talks a Great Success!

Exhibition Walks and Talks a Great Success!

Exhibition Walks and Talks a Great Success!

So far the exhibition has been a great success. We had more than 1,000 visitors during the opening weekend and today a group of 30 from Pocklington U3A.
The birdwatching walks with Michael Flowers (pictured above) were great. The group looking for winter migrants on Saturday saw fieldfares, finches, a redwing and 20 golden plovers heading south. As a bonus they also spotted a water rail, a little owl, a yellowhammer and a kestrel displaying.
Whilst on Sunday the red kite watch saw 13 red kites coming in to roost - as well as a green woodpecker, a pair of marsh tits and a redwing.
Everybody came back pleased with themselves and I think they enjoyed the exhibition of paintings all the more after having seen some of the birds in the wild first.
Of course I'm happiest of all - I've sold eight original oil paintings!
I'm also really pleased with the way the evening talks are going. Last night the gallery was packed for Gilda Brader and Jennie Palmer's demonstrations on how to make Christmas decorations.

And tomorrow night's talk by the zoo vet Matt Brash should be good. He's a very entertaining speaker and very knowledgeable about wildlife.

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