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First Steps. First Feathers. First Flights. Follow the baby barn owls & kestrels as they grow

First Steps. First Feathers. First Flights. Follow the baby barn owls & kestrels as they grow

First Steps. First Feathers. First Flights. Follow the baby barn owls & kestrels as they grow

The baby barn owls and kestrel chicks in my garden are growing up fast. I've been keeping record of their development on my live Nest Cam pages. Scroll down to find out how to check in to see them reach those all important milestones: from first feathers through first squabbles to first flights!

Stories from the kestrel nest

The kestrels chicks have now fledged but they are still hanging about the nest site where I have been watching their parents continue to feed them Head over to my Kestrel Cam blog to see them take to the skies for the first time.

Stories from the barn owl nest

Meanwhile the barn owls babies have had an eventful week after I placed 4 new chicks into their nest. These chicks were rescued by Ryedale Wildlife Rehabilitation. I put them into my nest and am hoping that the wild barn owl parents here will raise them as their own. Find out how they are getting on by reading my Barn Owl Cam blog here:

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