So I built an underground badger sett and installed cameras into chambers within it in the hope that I could film their secret underground world. When I then learned of three young cubs that had been found wandering about on their own along a roadside, having clearly lost their mother, I grasped the opportunity to use my artificial badger sett. The three-month-old badgers cubs had been hand-reared by a local wildlife rehabilitation centre, but now needed more space. So I placed them into my secret sett for a month so they could get used to fending for themselves.
I let the cameras roll to see how they behaved as they got to know their new home. The resulting footage reveals a magical, secret world. I learned so much about badger behaviour, especially about how playful these creatures are, and I saw things I had never seen before. Simple things, like yawning, and how they groomed each other and slept were all new to me! The day soon came to open the grill on the front of the sett and release them into the wild. These badgers had not seen or felt grass for a long time and it was so special to see them take their first steps outside.
Watch the Video
Click on the image below to watch a short film about how I built the sett and then introduced the badger cubs to their new home. I hope you enjoy the scenes of the three cubs exploring their new home and playing together inside - keep watching to see them take their first steps into the wild.
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Watch this film to see the painting this experience inspired
I learned so much about how badgers interact in their secret world and it wasn't long before I got my paintbrushes out. This next video follows my creative process when inspired by an experience like this. Click on the image below to play the video and see my latest painting come to life and scroll down to see more paintings inspired by the secret world of badgers.
Click on image above to play the video
My Paintings of Badgers
Inspired by the Secret World of Badgers
The following paintings were inspired by my experience of watching badgers in my artificial sett.

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[…] Click here to read the full story of these badgers & see two more paintings inspired by th… […]