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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Lion Pride

Lion Pride

Lion Pride

As the herds migrate across the savannah, their predators come out in force. We saw lion everyday.
This pride was very close to our camp and we had plenty of opportunity to watch them.

And sometimes they 'people-watched'. This lioness was watching a group of Masai men walking in the distance. Lion are wary of Masai - traditionally they would have hunted them.

This yearling was very playful, we watched as she tossed this stick about like a kitten with a toy before encouraging the other lionesses to join in a game of chase.

Shaking off after a shower of rain.

This lioness had a huge scar across her face. The guides named her Ugly Betty.

This was her good side.

Lions can sleep for 20 hours a day so there can be quite a bit of waiting around to get a photograph.

Our camp was elegantly furnished. We ate our evening meals by candlelight. It was very atmospheric as you sat down to dinner you could hear lion and hyena outside.

On one evening the Masai watchmen put on a dance for us around the campfire.

They have a curious style, more like pogo stick jumping than dancing!

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really great photos Robert. Indeed thank you.

Gary Keimig,

Wonderful and fascinating photos, Robert. Thank you!

Studio at the Farm,

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