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Mother's day art exhibition | amazing animal mums | the paintings

Mother's day art exhibition | amazing animal mums | the paintings

Mother's day art exhibition | amazing animal mums | the paintings

robert fuller animal mum exhibition

This new exhibition of paintings focusses on animal mums in nature. Each painting was inspired by watching animals raise their young. I use a combination of oil and acrylic paint as well as pencil to record each wild subject as faithfully as possible. The exhibition is divided into different sections and I invite you to scroll down to explore paintings of both British birds and mammals as well as animal mums from around the world.

I hope you enjoy this virtual event

Robert E Fuller


Brilliant Bird Mums

From pushy parent owls to clucky mother ducks, birds make for some of the most devoted parents in nature. In this collection, I explore the extraordinary bonds between female birds and their broods.

Inspired by Great Crested Grebes

Great Crested Grebes mums are supported by their partners, right down to their tendency to have just two chicks - one for each parent bird to carry piggy back. The paintings below were inspired by watching a pair teach their young chicks to swim. Click here to read more

Great Crested Grebe & Chicks | Limited Edition Print | Available Here

Inspired by a Tireless Reed Warbler Mum

The following painting was inspired by watching a reed bunting that had been tricked into thinking a cuckoo chick was its own. The poor thing was so exhausted fetching more and more food for a chick that was three times its size – it was like watching a modern mum tirelessly providing for overgrown teenagers! Click here to read the story

Inspired by a Caring Curlew Mum

Curlews are very protective parents. I watched this clucky curlew mum anxiously shoo her chicks to safety several times whilst her mate defended the nest site from intruders.  Click here to read the story.

Curlew & Chicks | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here

Inspired by Clucky Ducks

Mallard ducks are also very protective birds and a female will even feign injury to lead predators away from their nests, limping away flapping their wings despite the considerable risk to themselves.

Just Hatched | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here

Inspired by a Busy Wren Mum

Among the animal mums I most admire are wrens. These tiny birds are singularly devoted mums. This painting was inspired by a wren mum who continued to focus on the job of feeding her chicks despite the efforts of her mate to distract her. Click here to read the story.

mothers day art exhibition

Inspired by a Goldfinch Mum

The painting below was inspired by a goldfinch pair nesting in an elderberry tree next to the back door of my parent’s house. I put a hide on top of their porch roof to study this nest up close.

mothers day art exhibition goldfince Goldfinch on Nest | Limited Edition Art Print | Available to Buy Here

Inspired by Tawny Owl Parenting

Tawny owls are among the most devoted parents I have watched. These owls even accept foster chicks and raise them as their own. I am currently studying a tawny owl, named Luna, inside her nest. Head to the Livestream link at the bottom of this page to see her live. Her behaviour and other owls in my garden informed this painting Click here to read the research

Three Tawny Owlets | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here


Mother's Day Virtual Art Exhibition


Inspired by Single Hare Mums

Hares only visit their young once or twice a day, at dusk, and stay just long enough to let them suckle. These fleeting moments are one of nature's greatest secrets. I have only ever filmed this moment once. Click here to read the story.

Hare & Leverets | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here

Inspired by an excellent Stoat Mum

Stoat mums have the remarkable ability to delay the implantation of their eggs to ensure that their young are born in spring, when they have the best chance of survival. This painting was inspired by a stoat named Bandita who lives in my garden. Click here to read her story.

mothers day art exhibition

Inspired by a Fox Vixen Mum

I spent a week crammed into a suburban Wendy house watching an urban vixen interact with her three cubs. I was struck at how patient she was. Even after a long day out hunting for their food she had time to settle amongst the energetic cubs to groom and even play with them.  Click here to read the story

mothers day animal art exhibition

Inspired by Roe Doe Mums

Roe does generally raise their foals alone and can have up to three, but there is a high mortality rate in the first year. The drawing below was inspired by a tender moment between a doe and her foal.



Inspired by African Animal Mums

This zebra foal was trying to shelter its head from the punishing midday sun in Etosha Park in Namibia. As it lowered its head the adult zebra mirrored the pose. I used broad brush strokes to create an impression of the rest of the herd fading into the background so that the viewer focussed in on the moment.

Zebra with Young | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here

Inspired by Fun Leopard Cubs

Leopards are highly secretive and usually hide their cubs in caves or thickets. The female stays with the cubs for the first two years, and after that they become independent and lead solitary lives. Watching these two play was a real privilege. 

Leopard Cubs | Limited Edition Print | Available to Buy Here



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