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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Swan Special

Swan Special

Swan Special

Some days things just don't go to plan and I find I have to make the best of things. The other day I set out to Wakefield after some visitors to the gallery told me of foxes that sunbathe in a paddock behind their house.  I waited all day to see them but they didn't show.

So as not to waste the day, I stopped at Fair Burn Ings on the way home. I got there just as the sun was setting and spotted these swans.

Swans are not the most challenging subjecs to photograph but since they will pose so gracefully I took the opportunity to experiment with camera settings and exposures.
Spring is in the air and these two have begun courting. 

I liked this shot of them setting off together as they evening drew in.

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