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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | Visiting info - Opening times - Directions




This is the dining room at Elephant Watch Camp in Samburu - an eco-camp on the banks of the beautiful Ewaso Ngiro run by the wife of the world's most famous elephant conservationist, Iain Douglas-Hamilton.

 It really is a special place. The Samburu warrior guides know all the elephants by name and will tell you all about their individual characters as they introduce you to the large, close-knit family groups. It is interesting to get a insight into how local people live alongside an expert understanding of the wildlife here.

Most days the elephants made the most of the cool mornings and evenings by disappearing up in to the hills, but as the sun began to rise and temperatures soar they came to the river to cool off.

These baby elephants were adorable. To get these shots I lay down in the foot well of the car which brought me at eye-level with the babies.

Seeing them was one of the highlights of the trip. Please click here to find out more about the safaris that I run or follow the link on the right of the page.

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