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Wildlife paintings inspired by spring

Wildlife paintings inspired by spring

Wildlife paintings inspired by spring

Welcome to this collection of paintings inspired by wildlife in spring. Curated to lift spirits as winter comes to an end and the sun begins to shine, the collection features the birds and animals you are most likely to see at this time of year. Scroll on to enjoy artwork featuring birds perched in spring blossom, ducklings nestling under their mother's wings and lambs gamboling through the spring countryside. And for more spring-inspired art see my spring art collection.

Birds in spring blossom

With a backdrop of blowsy cherry blossom, this collection of bird paintings sings with the colours and the spirit of spring. 

painting of wren perched on cherry blossom inspired by spring Wren on Cherry Blossom | Limited Edition Print |

Birds are starting to nest and are visible now as they busily flit about amongst the blossom.  I often like to pose birds on branches with blossom as I think they make perfect compositions.

painting of blue tit bird perched on branch with flowering pink cherry blossom Blue Tit on Cherry Blossom | Limited Edition Print | 

Goldcrests painted by Robert E FullerEaster ducklings

It wouldn't be springtime without images of ducklings and chicks. The painting below, Just Hatched, is so popular at this time of year I've even used it on some of my giftware, including a beautiful kitchen worktop saver: Click here to view. 

Painting by Robert E Fuller of Mallard Ducks Just Hatched | Limited Edition Print | 

duck painting by Robert E Fuller

Easter art chicks 

The baby bird in the painting below is a lapwing. I watched this adorable chick as it hatched from its eggs. Lapwings often lay their eggs in open arable fields and their survival is precarious at this time of year when farmers are ploughing. I watched this one, however, on a strip of conservation land especially set aside for lapwings.

lapwing chick painted by Robert E Fuller Lapwing Chick | Limited Edition Print | 

curlew & chicks painted by Robert E Fuller Curlew and Chicks | Limited Editon Print | 

The sound of a curlew's call ringing out is something I always associate with the onset of spring and of course these adorable chicks are the epitome of the season.

Read about how I watched the parent birds fiercely defend these chicks from a pheasant that strolled a little too close to the nest by clicking here. 

Easter bunnies 

Female hares visit their young so infrequently that the sight of tiny leverets in the fields by themselves in springtime is thought to be the source of the Easter Bunny myth. Whether this is true or not bunnies have certainly become the emblem of Easter and chocolate ones at that. Personally I prefer wild leverets any day.

Click here to read about the day I watched the leverets in the painting above and to learn more about the Easter bunny myth.

leveret painting inspired by spring Leverets at Givendale | Limited Edition Print | 

Hare and Leverets | Limited Edition Print | 

leveret painting by Robert E Fuller

The above paintings are among my most popular, but they are just the tip of the 'thawing' iceburg. Click here to see more wildlife art inspired by spring and here's to summer! 

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[…] Click here to see my collection of paintings of wildlife at Easter […]

My Painting of the Week | Spring 2020 - Wildlife Artist Robert E Fuller,

Thank you, I’m glad you enjoy the paintings


All your artwork fills me with awe.The amount of detail you show is stunning. Thank you for sharing your work.

Lyn Liversidge,

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