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Film | Tawny owls raising own chicks find room for more | Full story | Bomber & Luna

After two years of failed eggs, tawny owls Luna & Bomber finally had two chicks of their own, but this didn't stop them also taking four extra rescues.

Bomber & Luna

Bomber & Luna are no strangers to adversity, but their journey to raise chicks of their own is a tough one. First, they must fight off competition for their favourite nest site and keep on fighting even once their eggs are laid. Watch the pair see off kestrels, jackdaws and barn owls - including resident owl Gylfie! But nothing will stop this pair from following their instincts and the cameras hidden inside the nest capture the incredible process as the first chick emerges from its egg, using it's egg-tooth (a special adaptation to its beak) to crack through the shell.

A brood of two

But sadly just two out of the four eggs hatch out - the first and fourth eggs to be laid. Bomber gets a look in Luna is very protective of her owlets and not even their father, Bomber is allowed near them. It is more than a week before he gets a moment alone with them and when he does it is adorable to watch.Viewers of this channel take part in a poll to name the two owlets. The winning names are Rocket and Nova. Tawny owl chicks develop fast At 10 days old, the eldest chick, Rocket, has its first pin feathers and by 16 days it is already flapping its wings furiously.

A new addition

Then a rescued tawny owl chick is brought to Fotherdale and I place it into the nest with Rocket & Nova. Happily Bomber & Luna accept their new foster chick and the owlet is named, appropriately, Solar. Registered ringer Jean Thorpe, gives all the chicks ID rings so that they can be tracked throughout their lives. After a month in the nest, Rocket makes a first leap out of the nest and spends the night outside on the branch. Now Bomber & Luna stay close, delivering food to this owlet on the nearby branches, whilst also continuing to feed Nova and Solar in the nest. Nova & Solar follow suit MORE rescues The owls are out of the nest when a second rescue arrives. I keep to the theme and name this owlet Pluto. I place Pluto in the now empty nest and wait for Bomber & Luna to take over. But then I get two more tawny owlets. These two are old enough to go straight into the tree canopy near the other owlets.

Stock dove

Although the nest is now empty, when a stock dove tries to settle there, Luna quickly evicts it. Luna's reasons for continuing to defend her now empty nest becomes clear when the tawny owl fledglings arrive to spend time back inside the nest. What an experience watching this incredible owl pair accept new owlets into their precious family

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