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Kestrels clash with Short eared owls in epic battle for survival

Kestrels clash with Short eared owls in epic battle for survival

Kestrels clash with Short eared owls in epic battle for survival

This winter's snows have brought extra challenges for the wildlife about us - along with some dramatic wildlife watching opportunities.

Determined not to miss out I got up in my warmest winter camouflage outfit (a snow suit with a pillow case on my head!) and headed off to a dale in Thixendale where I had heard that some short eared owls had been spotted.

It wasn't long before I spotted two owls hunting. They would plummet to the ground and punch through the snow crust to dig out their prey.

But it turned out that I wasn't the only watching. This cunning kestrel was waiting in the wings and I watched as it mobbed the short eared owl.

It turned out that this kestrel was a consistent thief, and I watched it ambush the owls several times over a few days - it's survival tactics were quite impressive in this epic struggle against the elements.
Click here to read more about my encounter in this week's Yorkshire Post .

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[…] Click here to read about the time I watched Kestrels clash with Short Eared owls […]

Kestrel Nest Camera | Saving the Chicks after the Tragic Loss of their Mother - Wildlife Artist Robert E Fuller,

Ha Ha! No we must set a trend!


Love your suit … especially the pillowcase! I used to wear a pillowcase out sailing in Sydney to protect myself from the sun … thought I was the only one!


Thank you


I like bery much to make a different,camouflage systems,and prepare diferent estrategies for attract the animals,for taking photographys.I like you snow camouflage cloth.

marc calvo,

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