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Wild Welsh Mountain Goats

Wild Welsh Mountain Goats

Wild Welsh Mountain Goats

During a recent trip to Wales I was struck by how well the goats that roam wild on the slopes of Snowdonia have adapted to the mountainous terrain .

These prehistoric-looking animals are thought to have been brought over to the UK by Neolithic man. I spent a fascinating few days trying to keep up with them as they nimbly negotiated the precipitous crags.

Following them through dense oakland hung with moss and lichen felt almost primeval. 

It wasn't easy keeping up with the herd as they clambered up the steep, rain-soaked sides of old slate quarries.

This goat was truly living on the edge. The lake was a good 300ft below this crag. To read my article on these fascinating animals click here to link to the Yorkshire Post

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1 comment

Oh wow! Love that third picture … and the animal!


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