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Enjoy a trip to Robert's gallery in Thixendale | New exhibition Visiting info - Opening times - Directions

Wildlife Blog

Discover the stories behind the paintings, see the wildlife films, learn more about the wild characters on the live nest cams and explore fascinating wildlife facts all in Robert E Fuller’s fascinating blog.

  • Herons

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Regent's Park still an oasis of calm

    Regent's Park still an oasis of calm

    My article for the Gazette & Herald this month was on my visit to Regent's Park to see the famous heronry what an oasis of calm this photo is...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Shooting Season Begins

    Shooting Season Begins

    The shooting season opens this week for red grouse. It's not a sport I take part in but I accept that the grouse we see on the moors are only...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • A family of kestrels at Fotherdale

    A family of kestrels at Fotherdale

    A pair of kestrels set up home in my garden this summer! They perservered despite losing their first brood to a carrion crow and went on to raise .

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Badger Painting Sold

    Badger Painting Sold

    I've sold one of my paintings of a badger! I chose to use a combination of pencil and acrylic paints to bring out the texture of the badger's fur.Pencil is...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Early Morning Leopard

    Early Morning Leopard

    We came across this male leopard early one morning. There was a dead wildebeest nearby, so he had clearly made a kill in the night.

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Book a Walk on the Wild Side

    Book a Walk on the Wild Side

    Book now if you want a place on one of the wildlife events taking place during my Winter Exhibition. Choose from daytime walks to see short-eared owls, red kites, and...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Winter Exhibition

    Winter Exhibition

    My Winter Exhibition opens on October 29th and you are all invited of course! I've been putting the finishing touches to a new series of paintings of red kites to...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Bee Keeping is Over

    Bee Keeping is Over

    My wife Victoria and I have kept bees for a few years now and last year we had almost 100lbs of honey from our hive. But last week my bee-keeping...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • New Prints and Cards Now Available

    New Prints and Cards Now Available

    I have four new limited edition prints and two new Christmas cards now available. They include the limited edition collection taken from my latest original paintings of a red kite...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Red Kite Painting Finished

    Red Kite Painting Finished

    I've just finished this painting of two red kites engaged in an aerial combat - good job too because the exhibition opens on October 29th! I used acrylics this time...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Winter Migrants

    Winter Migrants

    Wasn't it exciting to see Spurn Point on Autumn Watch?The east coast is such a fantastic place to watch migrating birds as some arrive and others leave our shores to...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Great Feedback

    Great Feedback

    I'm really chuffed. I got a really nice email last night from a customer who ordered the first red kite at deepdale print."I opened it and cried for there was...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Just the Job Lad

    Just the Job Lad

    It's amazing who lives on your doorstep isn't it? This guy, Mike Pannett, lives in the next village along from me and is a former wildlife police officer turned author....

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Documentary on a wildlife artist - me!

    Documentary on a wildlife artist - me!

    Some very nice students from York University did this short documentary on me. I've been struggling to get it on You Tube (and then onto this blog) for some reason....

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Frozen Planet

    Frozen Planet

    I really enjoyed watching BBC's frozen planet last night. It reminded me of when I went to Antarctica in 2009 and painted these gorgeous King Penguins. I called this painting...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • All set for the exhibition!

    All set for the exhibition!

    Just put the finishing touches to this cheetah and cubs original painting. I haven't painted a cheetah before so this oil painting is a first! It's just in time as...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Exhibition Success!

    Exhibition Success!

    It's been a great opening weekend to my Winter Exhibition - no thanks in part to the four page spread devoted to it in the Yorkshire Post! Click here to...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • A New Arrival

    A New Arrival

    Our daughter Ruby Wren Fuller was born yesterday, a healthy 8.4lbs. A sister for Lily. And already very patient. She waited until the opening weekend of the exhibition was over,...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Exhibition Sales

    Exhibition Sales

    I've sold four out of the six new pictures that I painted for the exhibition.  The red kite paintings are still to go, however.

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Bonfire Fun

    Bonfire Fun

    Everyone always worries about their pets on bonfire night, but spare a thought for the wildlife living near you.  We have our red kite walk taking place this afternoon between...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Otter hunt

    Otter hunt

    Visitors on our safari through Tophill Low wildlife reserve had a superb day on Sunday. They saw an otter hunting for duck. Otter are so diffiuclt to get close to....

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Sold Out!

    Sold Out!

    Sold the last edition of this print of my painting, Goldfinch on Thistle, today. That's the 850th of an 850 print run. I'll miss seeing it in the gallery, it's...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Canvassing Customers

    Canvassing Customers

    A customer asked us to put this image of my painting of leopard cubs on a canvas. We blew it right up to ... It got me thinking. What do...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Raffle Winner

    Raffle Winner

    This is Mr & Mrs Watkins who won this picture of Hare Today Gone Tomorrow in our exhibition raffle. Mr Watkins had been having a bad week when he got...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Fern's Girl

    Fern's Girl

    We are building a new studio where the aviary in which I used to keep my pet barn owl, Fern, was. .   The work hasn't gone unnoticed. This owl used to visit Fern...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Time to Buy Your Christmas Cards

    Time to Buy Your Christmas Cards

    There's still time to buy your Christmas cards online, but hurry up because we can't guarantee we'll get them to you by post after December 21st. Here are a few from...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • P-p-p pick on someone your own size!

    P-p-p pick on someone your own size!

    Beaches in South Georgia can get a little crowded at times. During my trip to Antarctica I witnessed an incident of 'beach rage' in which a penguin slapped an elephant seal with...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Will Hockney Trail stop at Fotherdale?

    Will Hockney Trail stop at Fotherdale?

    I read in the papers this week that David Hockney, the godfather of modern art, is to endorse a new tourist trail to the sites from which he painted his...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • From gravel pits to wildlife haven.

    From gravel pits to wildlife haven.

    Congratulations to the North Cave Wetlands centre which has won an award for transforming old sand and gravel quarries into a magnificent wetland area. I saw avocets like the ones...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Badger Baiting Still Rife

    Badger Baiting Still Rife

    The trial of a horrific case of badger baiting which I was witness to comes to an end tomorrow. Seven men will be sentenced by a judge at Scarborough Magistrates'...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Underworld of badger baiting.

    Underworld of badger baiting.

    There was a very good piece in  The Yorkshire Post last week on how police nationwide are struggling to tackle badger baiting, which has continued unabated despite being outlawed in 1835.But...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Canvas Prints

    Canvas Prints

    Due to customer demand, I've started to offer some of my prints as canvases. This one measures 6ftx4ft and costs £250. Gives it a modern twist. What do you think?

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Short Eared Owl Watch

    Short Eared Owl Watch

    Did you know that owls with yellow eyes hunt during the day? My column in the Gazette & Herald this week is all about the day I watched five short...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • No Snow at Spring Fair

    No Snow at Spring Fair

    I love getting out in the snow to see what wildlife I can find - last year I got some amazing photographs of hares mating despite the bitterly cold conditions. But...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Animal Love

    Animal Love

    Do animals experience love in the same way that we do? Whether animals feel emotions like love, jealousy and grief is the topic of my special'Valentine's Day' column in the Yorkshire Post this month.Click...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Kestrel Love

    Kestrel Love

    The kestrel pair I that feed in the garden every day often wait on the electric poles for me to put food out for them. I was quite amazed one...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Nest Box Giveaway

    Nest Box Giveaway

    I had great day at Warter Primary School yesterday giving away nest boxes to the children there. I gave away 117 boxes - one for each family at the school and...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Badger Love

    Badger Love

    I've started a new painting of a badger. It takes a week for the white paint to dry so I'll have to wait now before I can get the next...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Territorial Blue Tit

    Territorial Blue Tit

    People say robin's are fiercely territorial, but this blue tit spent a whole day attacking its own reflection in my car wing mirror.I felt quite sorry for it!

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Trip of a Lifetime

    Trip of a Lifetime

    There are just three places left on my trip to the Masai Mara in August.The exclusive safari is limited to just 12 people and we camp in luxury tents beside...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Drought


    What about this drought then? It's rained non-stop since I dedicated this month's column in the Yorkshire Post to it! Luckily I had a positive stroy to tell about the...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Olympic Art Show- May 26th-June 10th

    Olympic Art Show- May 26th-June 10th

    I'm staging an art show of Olympian proportions next month. I'll be showcasing my latest paintings of some of Britain's greatest wildlife athletes at this free exhibition. And there are plenty...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Untitled


    My new studio is just about finished. There are still workmen stomping through but I've begun painting in it already -  even if the banging about sometimes jogs my paintbrush!...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Badger Trust Award

    Badger Trust Award

    I am very proud to have received this glass badger from the Badger Trust - but somewhat humbled to have been presented it by Jean Thorpe, the Badger Trust's Ryedale...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Summer exhibition opens

    Summer exhibition opens

    My exhibition opens today and runs until 10th June - so hope to see you at the gallery. See all the latest originals at

    Robert E Fuller |

  • Wood shed haven

    Wood shed haven

    I photographed this robin nesting in my friend Nick Coates' wood shed. Birds like his shed despite the fact that it is very busy and noisy. In fact his workshop...

    Robert E Fuller |

  • An award from RSPCA

    An award from RSPCA

    I was chuffed to get the Elsie M J Evans award for an act of kindness or bravery from the RSPCA on Saturday at RSPCA HQ in Horsham. The award...

    Robert E Fuller |