Der Prozess in einem grausamen Fall von Dachshetzjagd, dessen Zeuge ich war, endet morgen. Sieben Männer werden von einem Richter am Amtsgericht Scarborough verurteilt.
Klicken Sie auf die fett hervorgehobenen Wörter, um einen Artikel im Guardian über Dachskämpfe zu lesen und zu erfahren, warum diese grausame Praxis noch immer fortgesetzt wird.
5 Kommentare
Well done Robert. Good job.
Respect to you Robert – well done for standing up for the Badgers and getting involved.
well done you for capturing these barbarians, I hope they are hung drawn and quatered while in prison….such as it is ,they will probably be out [after there free rest] just in time to get the next lot of babies.!!!!
Its sick what some of these idiots will do but well done to you for photographing them in that act. Not sure I would have had the foresight (and bravery) to do the same.
What is wrong with these people! It makes me so angry and sad …