Film | Tawny Owl Scrapes Out Nesting Hollow | Luna & Bomber
Luna the tawny owl is getting ready for eggs again. Watch her enthusiasm as she digs out a hollow in the floor of my Beech stump nest box. Tawny owls...
Robert E Fuller |
Luna the tawny owl is getting ready for eggs again. Watch her enthusiasm as she digs out a hollow in the floor of my Beech stump nest box. Tawny owls...
Robert E Fuller |
Barn owls Gylfie and Dryer, This is this pair's first breeding season together, and the younger owl Dryer's first courtship. But they’ve overcome these challenges and on the 31st May...
Robert E Fuller |
Luna the tawny owl has laid her first egg of the season! Listen for the 'whistle' sound she makes as she lays. Luna This tawny owl has a history of...
Robert E Fuller |
Dryer the barn owl seems to be really enjoying the rain. Watch him spread his wings out and turn to ensure every part gets a wash.
Robert E Fuller |
5 Mother's day gifts for mums who love nature Whether your mum is a bird-lover or goes nuts for the countryside, this selection of five gifts inspired by nature is...
Robert E Fuller |
I've been building a home fit for a family of foxes. Fingers crossed I'll be able to film cubs soon. Filming foxes I’ve been filming red foxes with my friend...
Robert E Fuller |
Gylfie the barn owl is getting ready for a new clutch of eggs Elm Stump nest This next box is a firm favourite of Gylfie the barn owl. She and...
Robert E Fuller |
This rufous-tailed hummingbird was filmed in Panama. She had one egg inside the nest and was adding further nesting material as she brooded it. Watch her fly off periodically to...
Robert E Fuller |
Tawny owls Luna and Bomber are showing signs they will be raising chicks in Beech Stump nest Tawny owl pair Luna & Bomber have nested in Beech Stump for four...
Robert E Fuller |
Long-tailed tit flock I have long-tailed tits visiting the garden at the moment. They come once or twice a day to feed on the fat bars, but the busiest time...
Robert E Fuller |
Approaching their second season together, barn owls Gylfie & Finn search for the best nest. Ready to nest There are plenty of bird boxes around my Yorkshire home, but the...
Robert E Fuller |
Follow the story as I hide cameras in a common buzzard nest and watch the chicks grow into ferocious hunters. Buzzard id Common buzzards are one of Britain's biggest birds...
Robert E Fuller |
This kingfisher pair are in the early throws of courtship and the male has caught a fish for his mate. Watch her give a little quiver of excitement. Kingfisher courtship...
Robert E Fuller |
Relations between kestrels Apollo & Athena are often tense. But when a flock of jackdaws threaten their nest, they unite. Kestrel nest It's the start of the breeding season and...
Robert E Fuller |
Orion the barn owl spends his nights calling for a mate. But when his calls are answered by another male and he quickly retreats into his nest, looking very scared....
Robert E Fuller |
The love between barn owls Gyflie & Finn was indisputable. This pair were inseparable, as to devoted to each other as they were to their chicks. And this legacy lived...
Robert E Fuller |
Watch as this pair of long-tailed tits work together to put the final touches to their nest. Long-tailed tits are common British garden birds. They begin pairing up in late...
Robert E Fuller |
A year of birdwatching At the end of each breeding season, I send details of bird species I have recorded here in Yorkshire to the British Trust for Ornithology and...
Robert E Fuller |
This year was Gylfie and Dryer's first year together, find out how they met and how Gylfie had to teach Dryer the rules of courtship. Barn owl pair Gylfie is...
Robert E Fuller |
After years of failure, tawny owls Luna & Bomber finally welcome their very own chicks to the nest. But the journey to ensure their safe arrival is a tough one....
Robert E Fuller |
When Gylfie the barn owl tried entering Luna the tawny owl's favourite nest Tawny owls are territorial Luna the tawny owl has nested in this box, named Beech Stump, for...
Robert E Fuller |
Watch this badger yawn and stretch before curling up to sleep.
Robert E Fuller |
Soon after young kestrel pair Jeff and Jenny meet, they welcome three healthy chicks into the family. But tragedy strikes when Jeff disappears. Young kestrel pair Jeff & Jenny are...
Robert E Fuller |
Watch as kestrels Apollo & Athena face down a pair of jackdaws intent on taking their nest.Kestrels Apollo & Athena are beginning their 4th year together and already this formidable...
Robert E Fuller |
Elephants need to drink around 200 litres of water a day, so waterholes draw huge herds. But, when I travelled to Somalisa Camp in Zimbabwe, I found that waterholes aren't...
Robert E Fuller |
Common buzzards continue to care for their chicks for weeks after the youngsters have learned to fly. But when it's time for the juveniles to leave home these ferocious parents...
Robert E Fuller |
Diving gannets hit the water at breakneck speeds - but how do they do it without actually breaking their beautiful long necks?Britain hosts 60% of the world's northern gannet population,...
Robert E Fuller |
Jenny the kestrel showed incredible fortitude as she brought up her three chicks alone. Watch her work tirelessly to feed and care for them. Food supply Female kestrels don’t normally...
Robert E Fuller |
Your 5 favourite reads of 2023 My wildlife blogs are all about wildlife and the animals I watch. In 2023 I can reveal the 5 wildlife blogs you enjoyed the...
Robert E Fuller |
Your top five films of 2023 As the 2023 comes to a close, let's recap and celebrate what you loved to watch most. From feature-length favourites, to new wildlife stories...
Robert E Fuller |
Winter is the best time to spot wildlife. Most animals are more focused on finding food and keeping warm than hiding on cold frosty days. The lighting is also beautifully...
Robert E Fuller |
Watch three adorable lion cubs as they tumble and play, protected by their fierce family members. This was filmed in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe and is a taste of...
Robert E Fuller |
Kestrels Apollo & Athena become the perfect parenting team as they overcome a series of challenges to raise five chicks. Apollo & Athena After a rocky first year, in which...
Robert E Fuller |
One by one all seven kingfisher chicks fledge the nest. Watch as the male kingfisher encourages them out with the temptation of food. To get it they have to follow...
Robert E Fuller |
When their father Finn dies suddenly, barn owl chicks Fern, Griffin and Freya become a close-knit team. At around 40 days old barn owl chicks naturally spend more time alone in...
Robert E Fuller |
When kestrel Jeff disappears, leaving his partner Jenny to care for the chicks alone, if feels like history is repeating itself. Jeff the kestrel Jeff is a kestrel I helped...
Robert E Fuller |
Pine martens are elusive and difficult to watch in the wild, so when I track down an adorable pine marten family in Scotland's Ardnamurchan peninsula I get a rare glimpse...
Robert E Fuller |
Why Panama is a wildlife paradise Panama ranks as one of the best birdwatching spots in the world, but you'd be surprised how many rare mammals also thrive in this...
Robert E Fuller |
Winter Art & Film Exhibition The Robert Fuller Gallery | Nov 16 - Dec 23rd Set a date to see renowned wildlife artist filmmaker Robert E Fuller's stunning art &...
Robert E Fuller |
The love between barn owls Gyflie & Finn was indisputable. This pair were inseparable, as to devoted to each other as they were to their chicks. And this legacy lived...
Robert E Fuller |
This video follows the story of tawny owls Bonnie & Ozzy as they raise a record clutch of four chicks. When tawny owls Bonnie & Ozzy had four chicks it...
Robert E Fuller |
With the holiday season fast approaching, the annual quest to find a unique Christmas gifts begins - and what better way to start than with an art catalogue featuring inspiration from...
Robert E Fuller |
'Woodcock Flush', painted by Robert E Fuller. Woodcock are woodland birds The birds that are hardest to observe usually give me the greatest rewards and Europe's woodcock is among the...
Robert E Fuller |
Style your autumn suppers As the nights draw in and the countryside turns gold, its time for cosy, comforting stews and for curling up in front of a flickering fire...
Robert E Fuller |
This is RSPB Bempton Cliffs and it’s one of my favourite places to visit. Here, I can watch gannets vie for the best nest sites, razorbills lay eggs on precarious...
Robert E Fuller |
First-time couple Jeff and Jenny worked like a pro team to lay four eggs, of which three hatched successfully. Jeff and Jenny It’s May and Kestrels Jeff and Jenny are...
Robert E Fuller |
Are you on the hunt for the perfect Christmas gift for a nature-loving friend or family member? Look no further! This list of unique art gifts will delight any nature...
Robert E Fuller |
Watch Gylfie & Finn's barn owl chicks grow into strong-willed individuals, and see how their feisty characters help them through when tragedy strikes.Gylfle & Finn's chicks were named Freya, Griffin...
Robert E Fuller |
Hedgehog in Autumn Leaves | Limited Edition Print | Available Here Falling in love with hedgehogs The painting above is a portrait of a hedgehog that won my heart. Until...
Robert E Fuller |
Rhino encounter inspires new painting Rhinos are magnificent animals. With wrinkled, armoured-looking skin and spiked horns, they look almost prehistoric as they amble across the dry plains of Africa. Close...
Robert E Fuller |
As kestrels Apollo & Athena's chicks approached adulthood they became increasingly ferocious. Watch their competitive scuffles as they prepare for a life in the wild. Apollo & Athena This kestrel...
Robert E Fuller |