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Film | How You Help Me Help Wildlife | Rescued & Returned to the Wild

2024 has been another amazing year here in Yorkshire. Together, with your support and donations we have achieved some incredible things.


Alongside the animal lives we followed at Ash Wood & Fotherdale, I added three new livestreams. Over a million of you watched the precious hatching of seven tiny cygnets from the new swan live cam and three million enjoyed the moment I captured a dog fox barking on the fox cam. And this winter I launched new stoat livestream.

 Chicks hatching

It was a fantastic year for the birds we followed. We watched a total of 30 chicks hatching, from kingfishers to swan cygnets.  I have also rescued, rehabilitated and released 16 animals, includes one barn owl, five kestrels, six tawny owls, four weasels and two stoats and in total registered bird ringer Jean Thorpe & I have rung 30 wild chicks, tagging each with BTO rings. These animals couldn’t have been so successful without the supplementary food I provide, over the course of the year this consisted of 340kg of bird seed, 24 litres of fat bars and daily food deliveries for the wild birds of prey. It’s a huge food bill part funded thanks to your support and has helped the wildlife overcome some tough moments, like when barn owls Gylfie & Dryer were so exhausted after raising two broods.


I also created and revamped numerous habitats, including an artificial fox den where seven cameras captured lovely footage of foxes playing and two new swan hides so we got close up views of this pair and their cygnets on the nest'  I also showed you the work the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust does to protect seals and we helped to raise £1,200 for seal rescue and expedition with Wildfoot Travel to film the incredible wildlife of The Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctica where we raised £1,650 for the South Georgia Heritage Trust.

Wildlife art

Along the way, I have painted some of the wonderful wildlife we've watched and shared the stories with you. Thank you to each and every one of you who has liked, commented, followed or become a member and donated this year. I couldn’t do this without you


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