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Film | Barn Owl Chicks Overcome Shaky Start & Fly Free | Gylfie & Dryer

After a shaky start, owl chicks Autumn & Fall take to the skies.

Autumn and Fall A late brood, these barn owl chicks had a tough start to life.

Their parents Gylfie and Dryer were exhausted after having two consecutive broods and didn’t deliver much food to the owlets. But after I help feed them, the owlets quickly regained weight and by six weeks are ready for their ID rings. Licenced bird ringer Jean Thorpe of Ryedale Rehabilitation arrives to record their weights before placing the tags, supplied by the British Trust for Ornithology, onto their legs.


Back at the nest the owlets wait for their parents to feed them. But instead of bringing in prey, their mother Gylfie raids the food cache inside the nest. Confused, Autumn puts up a fight and when Gylfie returns again both chicks are defensive and lunge towards her. Thankfully, Dryer’s approach to these chicks is more conventional. He lands outside with some food and seems to try to encourage the chicks out. But I don’t think they are ready just yet

Getting ready

Before heading out into the world, they need to practise their pouncing skills and strengthen their wing muscles. Watch them practicing - Autumn is a little clumsy!  The next day, Autumn goes to the entrance and jumps straight out onto the branch outside with Fall watching on in amazement Tawny attack But these barn owls are not the only owls in the area and Autumn's presence doesn't go unnoticed. They fly by, swiping the young owlet off the branch, and even after Autumn recovers and returns to the nest, Luna the female knocks her to the ground and she can't be found anywhere

All is well

Fortunately the next morning I see Autumn back at the nest and over the next few days spends more time away. This gives Fall more space to practise for her first flight. It's not long before this owlet also fledges, but like her elder sibling she too is bombarded by the tawny owl pair. As the chicks navigate their first days outdoors, they are on high alert so much so that once in the nest together they didn't even recognise each other. 


It doesn’t take long before the barn owl chicks stop using this nest entirely and Fall disperses to find a new territory of her own. Autumn hangs about for a few more days, spending her time in my Sycamore Stump nest box, but eventually she too disperses. From a very tough start in life, these two owlets developed well and have now fledged as healthy barn owls. It's been a pleasure to follow their story. 

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