Die ungewöhnlichen Markierungen dieses Zebras erinnern mich an die seit langem ausgestorbene Zebraunterart Quagga.
Der Quagga-Look
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3 Kommentare
Neah; donkey or horse genes would be very difficult. It does not look like any of the zebra hybrids i have seen and these are nearly all infertile. Only one or two fertile zebroid mares have been reported but not proved…
Yes Robert, your zebra picture looks very much like the late quagga. Why shouldn’t it? The quagga is a sub specie of the zebra.
Yes John there is DNA work being done on the quagga. Check out The Quagga Project South Africa at: http://www.quaggaproject.org/
Interesting photos and blog post. While I have heard of the Quagga, I wonder if any dna work has been done on it. To me the photos look like there could be some donkey genes mixed in there. These posts from Africa are great reading. Keep it up.