Für Leser aus den USA: In meinen Blogs ist mit Wiesel das „kleinste Wiesel“ gemeint und mit Hermelin das „Kurzschwanzwiesel“. Weitere Informationen zu ID und Definitionen finden Sie HIER.

Wenn Sie dies in den USA lesen, folgen Sie diesem Link für weitere Informationen zur kommenden Show: https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/mighty-weasel-preview-nzu4nn/21080/
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Der Dokumentarfilm untersucht die Marderfamilie, zu der Wiesel und Dachse gehören, und fragt, warum Wiesel einen so schlechten Ruf haben. Er folgt den Abenteuern eines kleinen verwaisten Wiesels namens Twiz und enthüllt die wahre Natur dieser taschengroßen Raubtiere. Sehen Sie sich an, wie ich meinen Garten in Yorkshire mit über 50 Kameras ausgestattet habe, um einen seltenen Einblick in das dramatische Leben einer Hermelinmutter zu erhalten, die versucht, ihre erste Familie aufzuziehen. Und erfahren Sie, wie neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse die Problemlösungsfähigkeiten des Honigdachses, die Geheimnisse hinter der legendären Flexibilität des Frettchens und den bemerkenswerten Geruchssinn des Vielfraßes aufdecken. Gemeinsam hat diese temperamentvolle und furchtlose Familie mit ihren außergewöhnlichen Fähigkeiten den Planeten erobert.
Wenn Sie dies in Großbritannien lesen und die BBC Natural World-Dokumentation „Weasels: Feisty and Fearless“ verpasst haben, klicken Sie hier, um sie auf iPlayer anzusehen.
Klicken Sie auf die Bilder unten, um die Highlights der Show anzusehen:
14 Kommentare
Can I get some tips of building a stoat den here. I want them in my garden also!
Yes, so far the response from America has been very positive – and lots of people who have ferrets enjoyed watching the story of twiz, my rescue weasel
The Americans will love seeing the weasels. They are much more into ferrets as pets and as ferrets are the only domesticated part of the mustelid family it should be of great interest to ferret lovers
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[…] My Stoats & Weasels to Star on American TV […]
Hello, glad you enjoyed watching the stoats and following the story of the rescue weasel, Twiz. She wasn’t injured at all, but hadn’t adapted well to life in the wild and was not likely to survive on her own. This was a result of her having been so very young when she was found. She went on to live a further 13 months after the filming – which is very good going for a weasel. You might like to read her full story on this blog: https://www.robertefuller.com/rescuing-a-wild-weasel-kit/
Watched the programme the other night and loved every bit of it. But what happened to the little weasel you raised from a baby? The credits at the end mentioned that the weasel didn’t take well to the wild and came back to live with you for the rest of his days. That doesn’t sound like a happy ending. Was it injured?
Loved your programme absolutely fantastic to see someone who cares about the natural world so much,inspiration.
I realy enjoyed this BBC2 programe on stoats and weasels. Thank you for all of your efforts and your stoat and weasel gardens, a clear insight into the stoats life cycle fom kit to adult, amazing photography.
I loved the show tonight !
Really looking forward to tonight’s programme. Record button is on . I know it’s been many months in production
Who would have thought that a trampoline would be such fun for stoats – they seem to truly just be playing around.
Stoats and weasels are fascinating as usually we are very lucky to see a glimpse. So really looking forward to tonight. Great thanks to Robert !
Looking forward to it Robert. Well done you. I’m very jealous!
I hope I get to see this here in the US. I love your channel.