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Red alert for red list birds

Roter Alarm für Vögel der Roten Liste

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3 Kommentare

Hello Robert! You have very beautiful paintings. I enjoy your discussions on wildlife. Over here in Illinois (USA) we have such cold winters. The birds really need the extra help. A friend of ours takes drives down country lanes spreading feed for the wild pheasants and turkeys, or they really can starve to death. It’s to easy to forget sometimes the little creatures outside in the cold. Keep up the wonderful posts. I look forward to more!


I love these paintings, especially the Yellowhammer. Feeding birds is counterproductive if there are cats in the nieghborhood.


Thanks for posting this. I too feed my birds throughout our long winters. Not only do we keep them alive, they too keep life in us, during this season. I enjoy watching them dart in and out to the feeder. I can spend lost hours watching the dance…

Susan Roux,

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